Wednesday 19 September 2012

How Not to Look Old - Part 1

I am no expert on this at all - I am blessed with having all my own teeth, but it ends there.  I am the wrong side of 45, the wrong side of 6ft and my weight is my total nemesis!  The ads all over the press and the television (thank you Marks and Sparks) are using older models  However, these women, despite their age having cheek bones like Helena Christensen (who indeed will look fabulous when she is 100) are a size 8 and 8ft tall - so super-human geriatrics!  I know, I will not look like them ever - no way, no how...unless racking is brought back, and I marry a plastic surgeon.

I am like a magpie when it comes to clothes, I love a pretty, glittery thing (My Little Pony aside), but I know that they don't always love me.  I live in jeans, t-shirts and boots.  As I have got older I can appreciate that some jeans are made for 15 year olds and not for me, no matter how much I try to squeeeeze my sorry legs into them.  So - for that reason alone, and because denim is the uniform of the masses - I shall do some investigation and make my next post all about the amber nectar of the 'perfect' jean....... wish me luck

How Not To Look Old

Whilst pondering the latest leather trousers and wondering whether they would be a good investment, I had an awful moment of dreadful clarity.  Approaching 50 and wanting leather trousers.. I am in dreadful danger of crossing that 'mutton' line.  Part of me thinks it dreadfully unfair, after all, who wants to slide into old age and invisibility?  Part of me, is terrified of what other people might think.

So, rather than slide down that slippery depressing taupe hued slope of ancientness, I thought I would fight it.  Not in a 'goodness,  I shall wear hotpants (eugh) and not care' - more in a 'Yep, I can do this, I can keep a hold on this, I am in control'.   So fingers crossed, here it goes.